You are now a featured Parley Green stockist
What to look out for:
brochure bundle
We will be sending a pack of our brochures, swatch leaflets, price lists and information cards directly to you. This way, you can show your families the premium sustainable cardboard options available when laying their loved ones to rest.
welcome post
We will be uploading a ‘WELCOME’ post across our social media platforms with direct links to your business to let our current and future followers know that we are proud to have you as a stockist!
Point of sale board
Once we have orders from you over a certain value, we will send you our fully assembled Point of Sale board to keep in-house as a visual representation of what we are able to provide for those looking to be more eco-conscious when saying goodbye to their loved ones.
leave us a review
As a valued Parley Green customer, we would love to hear your thoughts and reviews about the range.